1. Docs
  2. Cloaked AI
  3. SDKs
  4. Rust
  1. Docs
  2. Cloaked AI
  3. SDKs
  4. Rust

IronCore Labs Alloy Rust SDK

The SDK is not yet published to crates.io. We are using some pre-release features in a couple of dependencies; once those have released, we will publish a version of ironcore-alloy to Crates. Until then, you can add the library to your Rust project by adding this to your Cargo.toml file:

ironcore-alloy = { git = "https://github.com/IronCoreLabs/ironcore-alloy.git", tag = "0.9.0" }

Supported Versions

The minimum required Rust version to use the library is 1.75.0, which is currently in the beta channel.