1. Docs
  2. SaaS Shield
  3. Suite
  4. Tenant Security Logdriver
  5. Overview
  1. Docs
  2. SaaS Shield
  3. Suite
  4. Tenant Security Logdriver
  5. Overview

SaaS Shield Tenant Security Logdriver

The Tenant Security Logdriver is a service that is delivered as a Docker container. You run that container within your SaaS infrastructure. The Logdriver acts as a gateway between your application and your customers’ cloud logging infrastructure. This service supports SaaS Shield’s Real Time Security Events, which creates rich audit trails containing detailed security events from your Tenant Security Proxy, such as requests to wrap or unwrap keys, and pushes them to your tenants’ logging / SIEM systems. Logdriver can communicate with cloud logging instances running in GCP and Splunk (see full list of supported logging services here. If a tenant has not provided a logging configuration, Logdriver will send their events to stdout instead.

Tenant admins control their logging configuration using the Configuration Broker.

The Logdriver service requires persistent storage; when events are pushed to the Logdriver, they are stored to disk before they are bundled and delivered so that events can be recovered if the service is prematurely shut down. On the next startup of the service, it will attempt to deliver all of the stored events.


The Logdriver Docker container is hosted publicly on the IronCore Labs Docker registry. Find the latest tag available and pull down the image by running this command:

docker pull gcr.io/ironcore-images/tenant-security-logdriver:{tag}

You can see the changes in each version of the Logdriver in its changelog.

After you have successfully pulled the Logdriver, you should be able to see the image listed in your docker images list.


In order to successfully start the Docker container, you need to provide it with a configuration generated from the Configuration Broker and a volume to persist logging events. Once you have this configuration, you can run

docker run \ --env-file config-broker-config.conf \ -m 1256Mi \ --cpus=2 --mount 'type=volume,src=<VOLUME-PATH>,dst=/logdriver' \ gcr.io/ironcore-images/tenant-security-logdriver:{tag}

If the image starts successfully, then the Logdriver service is running locally.

The volume that you provide is used to store security events so they can be recovered in the event of a restart of the container. The events are removed from the store as they are delivered to tenant logging systems, so it is used as an elastic buffer. It will not grow without bound, and the consequence of using zone-local storage is minimal. We recommend providing a 50GB volume, which should be more than sufficient to handle busy logging streams.

The -m argument to Docker sets the amount of memory available to the container. We recommend allocating 1256Mi for the container - the logging service uses the disk as a backup, but for performance, the events are normally processed using in-memory queues with a cap on the number of events. 1256Mi allows for a substantial rate of event logging and will be enough for fully loaded event queues.

The --cpus argument sets the number of CPUs available to the container. We recommend at least two CPUs to allow Logdriver to continue to service log events while still performing CPU intensive tasks like decrypting logging configurations.

When the Logdriver service starts, it immediately attempts to make a request to the Configuration Broker to retrieve and decrypt all of the logging configurations that were created by each of your tenants. The decrypted configurations are kept in memory only.

Every 10 minutes, the container re-fetches the list of encrypted tenant configurations from the Configuration Broker. This allows the Logdriver to get updates on any new or changed logging configurations for your tenants.

Once the container has successfully started, it can access a Tenant Security Proxy running on the same host network, ensuring that security events are delivered to your customers’ logging and SIEM services. It is currently recommended that the TSP and Logdriver are deployed in 1-to-1 combination. If you’re running the TSP on a different network, you can point the Logdriver at it using LOGDRIVER_EVENT_PRODUCER_URL="tcp://other-host:5555". See the example docker compose for an idea of how this could work.

Starting Locally for Development

If you want to run the Logdriver in Docker on your local machine, the command is slightly different

docker run --env-file <CONFIG-FILE> -m 1256Mi \ --mount 'type=bind,src=<VOLUME-PATH>,dst=/logdriver' \ gcr.io/ironcore-images/tenant-security-logdriver:{tag}

Note that VOLUME-PATH must be an absolute path of an existing directory.

Deployment and Tuning

Running Logdriver and TSP in a production deployment is usually more involved than just starting it up. See the deployment documentation for Kubernetes and docker compose examples, health check information, configuration, performance tuning, and troubleshooting information.

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