Cloaked AI pricing

Secure your vectors with application-layer encryption.


$0 /mo

Free to try (non-production uses) or for use in code bases that are open source and GPL-compatible.

  • No signup required
  • Includes a test corpus
  • Works with any vector database


$599 /mo

Manage your own keys and lifecycles for up to 5 million users.

  • Application-layer encryption
  • Fully embedded
  • Queryable encryption

Add-on to SaaS Shield


Combines with the encryption management in SaaS Shield.

  • Multi-tenant support
  • Customer-held keys
  • Audit trails
  • Virtual data isolation


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Advanced features, contract clauses, and support for larger businesses.

  • Enterprise support
  • SLAs
  • Addt'l terms
  • Over 5m users

Dual Licensed

Cloaked AI is an SDK that’s dual licensed first under the AGPL, which makes it free for use in other GPL-licensed code, but prohibits its use in closed-source commercial projects or in software that can be used in closed-source commercial projects.

For commercial projects, we offer flat-fee commercial license options. Before deciding to buy, everyone is free to try the software and use it in non-production (eg, development and test) environments to assess its suitability before purchasing.

Dealing with encrypted data is far more complicated than most developers expect. It’s easy enough to encrypt or decrypt something. It’s far harder to deal with keys and audit trails and rotations and the rest of the lifecycle concerns – especially when it comes to application-layer encryption.

If you have multiple segments of data that should be protected independently, whether those segments are the data for different SaaS customers, data in different regions, or other segments, and you don’t already have adequate systems for managing keys for those segments and tracking between encrypted data and the keys used to encrypt it, then you’ll want to start with SaaS Shield and add Cloaked AI, Cloaked Search, or the S3 proxy as needed.

If your use case is simple or if you already have sophisticated encryption management, then you can use Cloaked AI in standalone mode provided you have fewer than five million direct or indirect users.

Startup Program

The startup program is available for Cloaked AI only when it is combined with SaaS Shield. The startup program is not offered for the standalone commercial license.